Developing, engaging, and celebrating leaders

PASC is proud to recognize our councils and chapters that provide outstanding opportunities for students to grow and thrive. Please scroll or click on the links to your left to learn more about our council and chapter awards.
First introduced in 2014, the Keystone Council Awards are designed to fulfill PASC’s vision of recognizing school and individual achievements. We look forward in the 2024-2025 school year to offering for the first time Keystone Chapter Awards to recognize the outstanding National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society Chapters in Pennsylvania.
Different from NASC's National Council of Excellence Award (NCOE), these acknowledgements operate solely on a state level to highlight the PASC member councils and chapters that are truly remarkable.
Also different from the NCOE awards, these awards are open to both our councils as well as our National Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society Chapters. PASC is presenting your council or chapter with not only a challenge, but also with an opportunity to grow and to improve through self-evaluation.
For our Councils, we hope that they can use this award as a stepping-stone towards achieving NASC recognition.
To more effectively honor councils and chapters, there are separate Middle Level and High School applications for the awards. Student councils and Honor Society Chapters will be further recognized as either a Keystone Council or Chapter, or Distinguished Keystone Council or Chapter based on predetermined point values.
2024 Student Council
Keystone Council Honorees
* Distinguished Keystone Council
Boyertown Area High School*
Chartiers Valley Middle School
Elizabeth Forward High School*
Elizabethtown Middle School
Fleetwood Area High School
Garnet Valley High School*
Great Valley Middle School*
Interboro High School*
Montour High School*
Mountain View Jr./Sr. High School*
North Pocono High School
Neshaminy High School
PA Leadership Charter School
Pocono Mountain West HS*
South Fayette High School*
South Western High School*
Union Area High School*
Upper St. Clair High School*
West Mifflin Area High School
Whitehall High School

National Councils of Excellence
Middle level and high school student councils that consistently provide quality leadership activities and service to their schools and communities can earn national recognition through NASC's National Council of Excellence (NCOE) program.
The National Council of Excellence is a national award program created by NASC to recognize student councils that maintain strong year-round programs and work to improve their schools and communities through their leadership activities. The award is founded on the four tenets of NASC (Leadership, Service, Engagement and Student Voice) and provides broad recognition for worthy efforts of NASC member councils. Unlike scholarships and other recognitions that have limited numbers of winners, all councils meeting the determined criteria in this application will receive the appropriate award.
There are two levels of recognition. A student council achieves a National Council of Excellence Award when it has demonstrated that it meets all the NASC requirements. The National Gold Council of Excellence award is awarded to those councils that demonstrate the highest levels of leadership, plus meet additional standards as set by NASC.
These awards distinguish outstanding student councils by guiding student leaders and their faculty advisers through a process featuring standards-based criteria and demonstration-based outcomes, reflecting more than 80 years of expertise in student council and leadership programming.
2024 NASC National Council of Excellence Recipients
Boyertown Area Senior High School*
Elizabeth Forward High School*
Garnet Valley High School*
Great Valley Middle School
Interboro High School*
Mountain View Jr Sr HS*
Montour High School
Pocono Mountain West High School*
South Fayette High School*
*Union Area High School*
Upper Saint Clair High School*
* Denotes a Gold Council of Excellence

Service Project Award
Each year, many councils and chapters across Pennsylvania sponsor community service projects that have a major impact on schools and communities. PASC will annually select one middle school, and one high school, to be recognized for planning and executing an outstanding service project that have an impact and help promote student leadership. In doing so, we hope to recognize those councils and chapters for their efforts. Additionally, we hope to provide a criteria by which schools can evaluate their existing programs.
This award is an opportunity for all of our member schools to showcase a service project they have completed. Any service project, big, small, complex, simple, there are no limits to which service project can be submitted! The project does not have to be original, unique, or special in any way. We are looking for well-organized projects that challenge the student group and serve the community in some way.
First introduced in 2023, we encourage your council or chapter to apply for this award!
Governor's Civic Engagement Award - Council Recognition

PASC is proud to work with the Pennsylvania Department of State to promote civic engagement. The Department of State annually offers the Governor's Civic Engagement Award (GCEA). The GCEA is an opportunity for recognition for both councils as well as individuals.
For the council award, a council must register themselves with the Department of State, and then hold at least one voter registration drive at their school. Schools that are able to register at least 65% of their eligible student body to vote will receive recognition by the Department of State.
The GCEA is awarded annually in the spring, and we encourage all our members to participate in the process. If you are interested in learning more about the GCEA, please click on the link below to be redirected to our Civic Engagement page.