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Every Spring, PASC invites Pennsylvania high schools to send six students to Harrisburg for a Student Summit on Personal and Organizational Advocacy. The summit focuses on these objectives:  

  • What advocacy is and why it is important?  

  • How to determine what students should advocate both at a personal and organization level.  

  • How to advocate by mobilizing others in the school and community and by utilizing resources


Students should have an awareness of and an interest in school, community, state and national issues. Each school is allowed to select six students, grades 10,11,12. Participation is not limited to Student Council leaders, but may also include interested students from National Honor Society, Class Government, and Social Studies Classes.​


While at the Summit, students have the opportunity to interact with our student SBE Representatives. We have in the past also had representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of State discuss civic engagement with our delegates as well. 


Due to Covid, we were unable to have the Student Summit the last three years. We are looking forward to bringing this program back in 2024, and anticipate having information available to schools about this program in late 2023. 



At our Student Summit in 2019, Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman stopped to talk to our students and to hear their thoughts and opinions on issues impacting students and all Pennsylvanians. 

1.  Students will select a topic for advocacy with registration

2.  Students will receive their topic with their confirmation.

3.  Students will research their topic so they are prepared for discussion.

before the summit

1.  Presentation by guest speaker

2.  Group discussions on selected topics

3.  Development of advocacy action plans by each group

4.  Presentation of student advocacy action plans

during the summit

We will do our best to accommodate student's choices, but have to limit the number in each group due to room size in the Capitol.  The entire program will take place within the Capitol in Harrisburg. There is no cost to the students or to the faculty sponsor or parent who will accompany students to Harrisburg, other than the cost of lunch, which is on your own at the many options around the Capitol. 
If you have any questions about this opportunity, please do not hesitate to email

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